06 Apr Get Up!!!
Are you going to the gym but not seeing the results you thought you would? In order to successfully lose weight through exercise you need to be expending 2000 calories per week!! But what does 2000 calories look like? To expend 2000 calories per week through exercise alone you would need to do one of the following:
1. Cardio 6x/week for 30 min @ 5mph
2. Resistance training 7x/week for 60 min
3. Resistance circuit 5x/week for 40 min at a higher intensity
4. Walking 7.5 hours per week @ 3mph
As you can see going to the gym two times per week for 60 minutes without changing other factors in your life isn’t going to make a significant impact on your weight loss goal. So what can you do? If you aren’t able to hit the gym 4-6 times per week, you can start eating healthier and start increasing your activity levels out side of the gym! Here is a small change that will make a BIG impact! Sitting at work burns approximately 1.98 calories per minute. Standing at work however burns approximately 3.02 calories per minute. If you add 2 hours of standing time at work you will burn about 127 more calories per day. In a year that will amount to losing 9.1 pounds!!!